
Friday 5 August 2016

Smoking Is Not Cool

Smoking Is not Cool
This is my first persuasive writing.              
I Believe that people should not smoke. Do you agree?

  The first reason why people should not try smoking is that smoking is addictive and it is not good if you get addictive. This means you will always want to do a it is not good. Next thing you now is you get addictive. Plus you could get addictive real quick. You could possibly die young. For example  if you are smoking at a young age you are most likely to die quickly. For a matter of fact that 5000 people die in New zealand because of smoking.

The next reason why I think you should stop smoking is if you  have a family you will have to think about your family to. Because if you smoke around them it is possible they could inhale your smoke.
That is not good because your heart and lungs could stop working. Do you not want that to happen?

Second reason why I believe people should stop smoking is because it could cause you a stroke or a heart attack and it is possible to get cancer. Do you want that to happen to you?

My next steps are:

  • Carefully read my sentences to check they make sense (mistakes in word endings)
  • Make sure I use good lead sentences that are in order
  • Put more information into my introduction
  • Leart to use emotive words
  • Learn to summarise my argument at the end.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ricci, I really hope to hear more about your story writing because it really catches my attention. To improve on your story I think that you should re read and check for your spelling mistakes and also if you could write a conclusion to end your story by adding, I believe that smoking is not good because, and then in short sentences write what you were trying to tell us (the readers)..... Other than that what an awesome first persuasive writing Ricci.
    From Gerry.


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